Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army." Edward Everett


We are working at writing descriptive paragraphs. The students are thinking about sight, sound, and feel words to help them 'beef up' their writing. We are trying to stay away from cliches like "hot fire, cold water, trees as tall as buildings" in order to make our writing more interesting and original. You may want to ask your son or daughter to share with you the paragraph they are writing.

We are also learning about the structure of short stories. We have taken such stories as "The Most Dangerous Game", "The Lady or the Tiger" and will be taking stories in the near future like "The Split Cherry Tree" and "The Gift of the Magi". These stories are a bit challenging but are extremely interesting and allow for a lot of great classroom discussion.

While taking these stories we are going to come across many literary terms. These terms will be on the test, so ensure that your son or daughter does not forget about them when he/she is studying.

ELA 10

The "Life in 2060" essays are due tomorrow. We have had ample amount of class time to work on these essays including two double periods of ELA on Day 1 where they have had writing periods. Mrs. Newman has graced us with her presence on these days to give students extra help with the writing process. Today, we will be peer editing and tomorrow all essays should be ready to hand in. Thank you parents for participating in the proofreading portion of the essay! Five easy marks for your child.

We have begun work on the novel "Ender's Game". It is a science fiction novel, but not in the "Oh great. Science Fiction" kind of way. I am not a huge fan of scifi, but I do love this book. Last year my grade 10 class really enjoyed it, so I am hoping this year will be the same! If you have a chance, ask your son or daughter about the book. I am sure they would love to share. As a culminating activity for the novel, we will be doing a major project. It is worth 150 marks and is an options project - which means students will get to pick from a variety of options to make up the total of 150 marks. They can choose, say, four large parts, or do many smaller assignments. All they have to do is make sure what they do totals to 150. Like all other assignments in my classes, they will have at least two weeks notice before the due date.

ELA 20

We have been working on a number of short stories and poems that highlight our unit's theme "Recollections of Childhood". This is such a fun unit because students have the opportunity to think about themselves and remember back to when they were little. We do a lot of memory work and will be doing some creative writing very shortly. Please remind your son and daughter to do homework because there are daily homework checks happening in the class. These will fall under the "Daily Work" category in the mark book.

ELA 30

In this class we are studying two plays, Mirage and Canadian Gothic. The students will be writing a literary essay comparing the two plays in the next few weeks. This is an extremely important skill for them to acquire because the departmental exam they will be writing in January will call for them to write more than one essay on literary works. More details to follow.

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