Friday, December 10, 2010

ELA 10 Marks

Attention all parents of grade 10 students:

I have sent home an update of your son or daughter's marks. Please make sure to ask them for the print out. I have asked them to share them with you, but they might forget!

I will be sending home mark sheets for the other ELA classes next week.

$100 Holiday Gift from Novica

$100 Holiday Gift from Novica

Sunday, December 5, 2010

ELA 20 - Recollections Essat

Thanks to all of the Grade 11 students who handed their essays in on time this morning, at the beginning of class. This is stipulated in their General Class Contract that was handed out at the beginning of the year. This is taken right out of the document:
 5. Hand-in Procedure:
All assignments must be handed in. Assignments are to be collected at the beginning of class.

I received eight out of fifteen essays at the beginning of class. A great improvement! Other students have promised to get their essays in before the end of the day. They will not have any late marks taken off. In fact, if it is in before midnight (via email) there will be no late marks. Please don't show up at my door at 10 p.m. baring the gift of your essay. I will not answer.

For the students who do not get the essay in today, normal late charges apply. These can be found in the General Classroom Contract as well. I will copy and paste them too, just for fun.

7. So, What Happens When I Hand Something In Late, Procedure:
Good question. I understand that you are people, that you have lives, and that sometimes “stuff” happens. That is why you have two “Get out of Jail Free” cards (apparently I like Monopoly?). These can be used twice over the course of the semester and should be applied only to major projects, essays, etc. You must fill out the form and submit it to me at least ONE WEEK before the assignment is due. This will grant you a one week extension from the original due date.
The form must be completed in its entirety and brought to me. I will then approve or reject the request, sign it in front of you, and give you verbal verification as to whether it is granted.
Keep in mind that if you hand things in late, there is no guarantee that they will be handed back with the rest of the assignments that were handed in on time.
Those students who do not use their “Get out of Jail Free” cards can sign them and return them back to me at the end of the semester to receive two bonus points per card that will be applied to his/her assignment marks.
What if you didn’t use your card and it is still late? Simple. You have five days to get it into me, losing 10% per day, after that, it’s zero.
And there you have it.